Thursday, October 21, 2010

unit 5 post

Today is rather changing for me, not having a good day. Didn't sleep well last night and not able to focus much. Having deficaulties understanding my son, we are in different worlds. My goal today is to avoid stress and confortentation. I have plans are to go to my cousins house; because she is in a bad place as today is her sons death aniversary. I will spend the day with her to help her grieve and go to the cemetary to drop off some flowers. Then we'll go to the flea market and try to enjoy a better day.

1 comment:

  1. Your cousin is blessed to have you in her life. May you both process your grief and difficulties knowing a better day is coming. I hope your day at the flea market is rewarding. Sounds like a great plan to transform the doldrums.
